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Citing Sources of Information 引文及列明出處: Introduction

Why citing sources of information is important? 為什麼要引文並列明出處?

Whenever you use someone else's words or ideas in your assignments, you must indicate that this information is belonged to another person by citing your source. This applies to written sources such as books, articles and web pages, as well as sources of other formats, such as images, sounds, film clips, or DVDs. 

Citation is an important part in academic writing because:

       It is an ethical practice;

       It allows your reader to identify and locate the materials you have used in your work, so that they can find other relevant information on the topic;

       It demonstrates that you have explored and read relevant materials when writing. This can also increase the credibility of your work;

       It allows you to give proper credit for the ideas of others and avoid plagiarism.









Related library guide 相關指南

We have prepared a "Avoiding Plagiarism" guide to help you better understand what comprises plagiarism and how to avoid it.


Forthcoming Library Subject Workshop 即將舉行的圖書館工作坊

Citing References and Avoiding Plagiarism

14 / 3 / 2025 (Fri)
18:30 – 19:30

Medium of instruction: English


Please visit the Library Workshops webpage to find out more details.

Guide on "Avoiding Plagiarism"

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phone number  2768 6777


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