News and newspapers are useful reference resources for your research project or assignment. The Library provides different types and sources of news for our users.
To find the right news, you should ask yourself the following questions:
1. What period of news are you looking for? 甚麼時候的新聞?
Current news 即日 / 近日新聞
Historical news 歷史新聞
2. What region of news are you looking for? 甚麼地區的新聞?
Local (Hong Kong) 本地 (香港)
Global 國際
3. What formats of news are you looking for? 甚麼格式的新聞內容?
Printed 印刷本
Digital full text 電子本
Video 影片
4. Any specific topic? 有特別新聞主題嗎?
Full-text available 可閱覽全文內容
Past news available 可閱覽昔日新聞
Comprehensive search functions 完善的搜尋功能
Historical news video clips available 可瀏覽歷史新聞片段
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