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How to find News Articles 尋找新聞報章: Financial Times

Financial Times

Description 簡介


How to Login 如何登入

You need to log into your personal Financial Times account to view the full-text content.
你需要登入你的個人帳戶以進入Financial Times 以閱覽全文。

If you are a first-time user, please follow the steps below to create a personal account. If you already have an account, please go to step 4 "Sign in" directly.
如你是首次登入,請根據以下步驟登記你的個人帳戶。如你已登記個人帳戶,請直接到步驟4 繼續查看登入步驟。


  1. Click on "Register a Financial Times account" at the bottom left.
    點擊左下方「Register a Financial Times account」。

  2. Click "Set up my account".
    點擊「Set up my account」。

  3. Enter your HKMU email, click "Next", and then follow the instructions to complete the registration process.



Sign in 登入

  1. Click on "Financial Times" link in the page.
    點擊「Financial Times」連結。

  2. Click on "Sign In" at the upper right corner.
    點擊右上方「Sign In」。

  3. Enter your HKMU email and password, then click on "Sign in".
    輸入你的香港都會大學電郵及密碼,然後按「Sign in」。

For web version only  只適用於網頁版本

Not applicable for all functions  部分功能並不適用


You need to log into Financial Times to view the full-text content. You may either log in by using a one-time passcode or by creating a personal account in Financial Times.
你須要登入Financial Times以閱覽全文。你可使用一次性密碼登入;或在Financial Times登記個人帳戶。


  1. Click on "Sign In" at the upper right corner, enter your HKMU email, and then click on "Next".
    點擊右上方「Sign In」,輸入你的香港都會大學電郵,然後按「Next」。

  2. Click on "Sign in without a password".
    點擊「Sign in without a password」。

  3. Enter the one-time passcode in the email sent from Financial Times, then click on "Sign in".
    輸入由 Financial Times 寄來的一次性密碼,然後按「Sign in」。

How to search in Financial Times 搜尋資料庫

  1. Enter the keywords in the searching field, for example "Goldman Sachs", then click on "Search".
    在檢索格內鍵入關鍵詞,例如「Goldman Sachs」,然後按「Search」。

  2. Click on the title to read the full-text content.

  3. Click on the buttons at the left and right-hand sides to print or share the article.

How to access Financial Times - FT Digital Edition

You can access to the FT Digital Edition only after you sign in to Financial Times.
你需要登入Financial Times才可閱覽FT Digital Edition。


  1. Click on "Sign In" at the upper right corner to sign in to Financial Times.
    點擊右上方「Sign In」登入。

  2. Click on the menu icon at the upper left corner, then select "FT Digital Edition".
    點擊左上方表單鍵,然後選擇「FT Digital Edition」。

  3. Select the edition you are looking for.

  4. You may click on "" at the upper left corner to switch between different editions.

  5. You may also click on "" at the upper right corner, then click on "Recent Editions" to change the date of the past newspapers, with the coverage from 15 years ago to present.
    你亦可點擊右上方「」,然後點擊「Recent Editions」,選擇日期閱覽由現在至過去15年的報章。

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phone number  2768 6777


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