To view your Borrower Record, you must first sign in.
After log-in to Borrower Record, you can check your loans requests, fines & fees, messages, and personal details.
Click "Loan List" to show your loan record(s). You can check the current due date of each record. If you want to renew all the items, click "Renew All" at the top. If you want to renew a particular item, click "Renew" next to the specific record.
You will see "Renewed" and the new due date if you renew the item(s) successfully.
You can make hold requests on General Collection books and their accompanying item or attachment when all the title's available copies are checked out or reserved.
If an item can be requested, you will find "Click here to request" link under "Location" after you have sign-in.
For titles with multiple volumes, you will find the "Request" link next to the volume which can be requested.
Select a Pickup location and then click "Send request".
You will see a message "Your request was successfully placed" prompted if your hold request is made successfully.
You will be notified via your HKMU email account when the item is ready for pickup. Student can also receive the notice(s) via the HKMU Student Mobile App.
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