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Welcome to our new E-Library systems 認識新電子圖書館系統: Alma and Primo VE

New E-Library systems 全新電子圖書館系統

Welcome to our new E-Library systems, Alma and Primo VE!  Alma is the system that handles the behind-the-scenes work of acquiring, cataloguing, and circulating our materials. Primo VE is the system that you will use to search for and access our e-books, e-journals, databases, and more. You can also use Primo VE to check your borrower record, renew items, and request materials. 

You will find out more about our E-Library in this guide.

The E-Library Systems Upgrade Project 電子圖書館系統升級計劃 2023

The E-Library Systems Upgrade Project was initiated in October 2022, with the new systems going live on 5 July 2023. To learn more about this exciting development, we invite you to visit our project website for additional information.


Explore the Library Collection 探索圖書館資源

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phone number  2768 6777


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