PressReader This link opens in a new windowPressReader 提供超過7000份來自逾120個國家60種不同語言的報章及雜誌,資料均以其原格式顯示。讀者可以按國家、地區、語言或標題找到合適的報章或雜誌。此資源亦提供App版本 (
App store /
Google Play)供讀者下載。
登記 PressReader帳戶
2.登記PressReader帳戶時,請選擇「圖書館或小組」 > 「Hong Kong Metropolitan University」。
PressReader provides online access to over 7,000 local, regional and international newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries in 60 languages and displayed in their original format. You can filter the newspapers and magazines by country, language, or title.
Users can also download the App version (
App store /
Google Play).
PressReader's account registration
1.You can access the resources by logging into your library account via E-Library. You may also register a PressReader's account using your HKMU email account. After verification, you can access to Web or APP version and view the full-text content by logging into your PressReader's account directly.
2.Please select "Library or Group" > "Hong Kong Metropolitan University" for PressReader's account registration.
3.You can log into a maximum of 5 devices using the same PressReader's account. However, you need to log into your PressReader's account in each device.
Note: You have to re-authenticate your account every 30 days by getting a new verification link.
For details, please go to PressReader's Account Registration Guide