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How to Renew Book Loans online 網上續借圖書: Home 主頁

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Renew Book Loans Online 網上續借圖書

  1. Click "Borrower Record / Renew Loans" in the Library homepage.

  2. Enter your User ID and Password and click "Submit".

  3. Click "LOAN LIST" to show your loan record.

  4. You can check the current due date of each record. If you want to renew all the items, click "RENEW ALL" at the top. If you want to renew a particular item, click "RENEW" under the specific record.

  5. You will see "Renewed" and the new due date if you renew the item(s) successfully.

  6. Remember to sign out after use.


Attention 注意:

Library materials cannot be renewed if 圖書館資料在下列情況下將不能續借:​

  • ​Maximum loan period has been reached OR 已超過最長借閱期;或
  • ​Items are being reserved by other users OR 書籍已被其他人預約;或
  • ​Your borrowing right is being suspended 你的借閱權限已被暫停。​​

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