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Politics & Public Administration 政治及公共行政: Books 書籍

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Call Number relating to this subject 相關書籍的索書號

Books on Politics and Public Administration can be found on the shelves according to the following classification codes:


Classification Codes 分類號碼 Classification Outline 包含範圍
B 823.3;
HM 641
Ideology 意識形態
GE 170 – 190 Environmental policy 環境政策
H 96 – 97.7 Policy sciences 政策科學
HC 79.P83 Public investments 公共投資
HD 59 – 59.6 Public relations 公共關係
HD 3871 – 3872 Public-private sector cooperation 公私營機構合作
HJ 9 – 9995 Finance, Public 公共財政
HJ 192.5 Fiscal policy 財政政策
HJ 2005 – 2216 Expenditures, Public 公共支出
JA 1 – 92  Political science 政治學
JC 328.6 Political violence 政治暴力
JC 348 – 497 Decentralization in government 政府權力下放
JF 1338 – 2112 Public administration 公共行政
JF 1501 – 1521 Civil service 公務員
JF 1525 Communication in public administration 公共管理中的溝通
JF 1525 – 2112 Crisis management in government 政府危機管理
K 3154 – 3370 Constitutional law 憲法
K 3400 – 3431 Administrative law 行政法

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