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Find it@HKMU via Google Scholar 「Google 學術搜尋」 -使用「Find it@HKMU」: Home 主頁

Setup 設定

Notes: The “Find it@HKMU” service in Google Scholar should be setup once in each computer.  
注意事項: 於「Google 學術搜尋」設定「Find it@HKMU」需在每台電腦執行一次。

In order to save the setting,

  1. cookies must be enabled in your browser,  
  2. cookies must not be cleared when exiting the browser, 
  3. do not use browser's private browsing mode to do the setup.  

Please click here for more details about “Enable cookies”. 

Steps to setup “Find it@HKMU” service in Google Scholar

  1. Open the "Google Scholar" homepage (
    開啟「Google 學術搜尋」主頁 (。
  2. Click "Settings" to enter Scholar Settings.
    點擊「設定」進入「Google 學術搜尋」設定。

  3. Click on "Library links".
  4. Under "Show library access links for", type in "hkmu" or "Hong Kong Metropolitan University" in the box then click the search button.
    於「顯示指定圖書館的存取連結」下,鍵入「hkmu」或「Hong Kong Metropolitan University」,然後按檢索符號。

  5. Select "Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Find it@HKMU" .
    選擇「Hong Kong Metropolitan University - Find it@HKMU」。
  6. Then, click "Save". Your preferences would be saved in the cookie and the browser's screen would return to the Google Scholar homepage.
    然後按「儲存」。你的設定便會儲存在Cookie內,而瀏覽器則會返回「Google 學術搜尋」主頁。

Search Results and Full Text 檢索結果及全文

  1. On the Google Scholar homepage, type in Keywords or phrases (put phrases inside double quotation marks) in the search box and click the search button.  A list of records with title and summary will be shown in the results.
    在「Google 學術搜尋」主頁上,鍵入關鍵字或片語(片語打在雙引號內),然後按檢索符號,每項記錄的題名及撮要就會在檢索結果中列出。

  2. If you have found a desired record and if the link of “Find it@HKMU” is shown on the right hand side, click it to search this document in HKMU E-Library.
    找到合適記錄後,如在記錄右方顯示出「Find it@HKMU」的連結,則可點擊此連結到香港都會大學電子圖書館尋找這份文件。

  3. The collection record will be shown.  If full text is available, click the provider link(s) under "View Online" to access it.

  4. Then, you may be brought to the database/journal website and read the full text content.

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