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How to find past Exam Papers 如何尋找歷屆試題: Home 主頁

Find past Exam Papers 尋找歷屆試題

  1. To search for past exam papers, just type in the course code or course title in the tab "Course Reserves / Exam Papers" search box in the Library Homepage. For example, if you are looking for "SCMB471F Supply Chain Management I" past exam papers, you can type in the course code "SCMB471F". Remember don't leave any space in between. Or you can type in the course title "Supply Chain Management I", then click the search icon.

    要搜尋歷屆試題,只要在圖書館網頁的「課程參考資料/歷屆試題」下的搜尋格內輸入相關的課程編號或課程名稱便可。例如你想查看「SCMB471F Supply Chain Management I」的歷屆試題,你便輸入課程編號「SCMB471F」。注意中間不需要輸入空格。或課程名稱「Supply Chain Management I」,然後,按搜尋按鈕。

  2. Select "Exam Papers" under "Resource Type".


  3. You can see the record of past exam papers of SCMB471F.

    你便可看到 SCMB471F 的試題記錄。


Find electronic / printed past Exam Papers 尋找電子或印刷版本歷屆試題

  1. If the past exam papers have the electronic version, a link "Online Access" could be found in the record.


  2. Click "Sign in" under "View Online".


  3. Log in with your User ID and Password.


  4. Click the link of your desired record to open the file.


  5. Read the message concerning copyright restrictions, and click the "ACCEPT/AGREE" button to continue.


  6. You will see the electronic past exam paper.




  1. Exam papers of some courses have printed version only.


  2. Exam papers of some courses are not provided to the library. If the exam papers are not found, please contact your course coordinator directly.



  1. If printed past exam paper is available in the Library, "Library Holdings" could be found under "Show only", click it to filter the results.


  2. If there is a "N versions found" link in the record, it means that the Library has more than one edition of the past exam papers. Click the link to view the details.


  3. A link "Available at ..." with the available location could be found in the record.

    印刷本的記錄下會有「可在 ... 獲取」的連結及其館藏地。

  4. Click on the link to check for the details under "Location".


  5. Go to the Library Service Counter to borrow the past exam paper.




  1. Exam papers of some courses have printed version only.


  2. Exam papers of some courses are not provided to the library. If the exam papers are not found, please contact your course coordinator directly.



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