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Education 教育: Books 書籍

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Call Number relating to this subject 相關書籍的索書號

Books on Education can be found on the shelves according to the following classification codes:


Classification Codes 分類號碼 Classification Outline 包含範圍
L Education 教育
LB 5 – 3640 Theory and Practice of Education 教育理論及實踐
LB 1025 – 1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice) 教育原理及實踐
LB 1050.9 – 1091 Educational Psychology 教育心理學
LB 1101 – 1139 Child Study 兒童研究
LB 1139.2 – 1139.5 Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育
LB 1140 – 1140.5 Preschool Education, Nursery Schools 學前教育、幼兒園
LB 1141 – 1489 Kindergarten 幼稚園
LB 1501 – 1547 Primary Education 小學教育
LB 1555 – 1602 Elementary or Public School Education 初級教育、公立學校教育
LB 1603 – 1696.6 Secondary Education, High Schools 中學教育
LB 1705 - 2286 Education and Training of Teachers and Administrators 教師培訓、教育行政人員培訓
LB 2799 - 2799.3 Educational Consultants and Consulting 教育顧問、教育諮詢
LB 2801 – 3095 School Administration and Organization 學校行政及組織
LB 2806.15 Curriculum Planning 課程規劃
LB 3201 - 3325 School Architecture and Equipment, School Physical Facilities, Campus Planning  學校建築及設備、學校設施、校園規劃
LB 3401 - 3495 School Hygiene, School Health Services 學校衛生、學校健康服務
LC 8 – 6691 Special Forms of Education: Social Aspects, Educational Sociology 特殊教育、教育與社會、教育社會學
LC 65 – 245 Social Aspects of Education 教育與社會
LC 189 – 214.53 Education Sociology 教育社會學
LC 201.5 – 201.7 Education and Native Language 教育與母語
LC 1001 – 1024 Humanistic Education, Liberal Education 人文教育、通識教育
LC 3701 – 3740 Immigrants or Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities, Bilingual Schools and Bilingual Education 新移民、少數族裔、雙語學校、雙語教育
LC 3950 – 4806.5 Exceptional Children and Youth, Special Education 特殊兒童及青少年、特殊教育
LC 5201 – 6660.4 Education Extension, Adult Education, Continuing Education 延續教育、成人教育、持續教育
PE 1001 – 1693 Modern English 現代英語
PL 1001 – 1960 Chinese Languages 中國語文
QA 1 – 43 General Mathematics 數學

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