This guide is about Cinematic Design & Photographic Digital Art, which covers the following subject areas. You may use these keywords to search for related resources in LibSearch.
Books on Cinematic Design & Photographic Ditigal Art can be found on the shelves according to the following classification codes:
你可依照以下的分類號碼,從書架上找到 電影設計及攝影數碼藝術 的書籍:
Classification Codes 分類號碼 | Classification Outline 包含範圍 |
PN1560-1590 | The performing arts. Show business 表演藝術、演藝業 |
PN1993-1999 | Motion pictures 電影 |
PN2085-2091 | The stage and accessories 舞台及配件 |
TR 250-265 | Cameras 攝影機 |
TR 287-500 | Photographic processing & Darkroom techniques 照片沖曬及黑房技術 |
TR 504-508 | Transparencies & Diapositives 透明膠片、幻燈片 |
TR 510-545 | Color photography 彩色攝影 |
TR 550-581 | Studio & Laboratory 工作室、實驗室 |
TR 590-620 | Lighting 燈光 |
TR 624-835 | Applied photography (artistic, commercial, medical etc.) 應用攝影(藝術、商業、醫療等) |
TR 845-899 | Cinematography & Motion pictures 電影 |
TR 925-1050 | Photomechanical processes 底片製版法 |
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