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Online Library Orientation 圖書館網上迎新導覽: Home 主頁

This guide is a starting point for you to discover what is available to you in our campus libraries and Library homepage. 我們會在這裡向你簡介校園圖書館和於圖書館網頁的設施和服務。

Online Library Orientation 圖書館網上迎新導覽 2022/23

Welcome to the HKMU Library! The Library provides different facilities and services to support your university life. An Online Library Orientation has been prepared for you! Let's watch the video to learn more about the HKMU Library!




Alice in Libraryland 愛麗絲夢遊圖書館

Inspired by the story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, our students from the Department of Creative Arts, School of Arts and Social Sciences have produced this Library Orientation Video. Visit every corner in the HKMU Library following Alice’s footsteps and learn about the library facilities and services together. (In Chinese with English subtitle) [00:06:10]


Library Information at a Glance 圖書館資訊概覽

All you need to know about the library are included in our Library Essentials.

User Privileges 讀者權限

Click the link below to know your borrowing privilege and the library facilities, services & support that are available to you.

Undergraduates & Sub-degree Students


Academic & Administrative Staff

General Support Staff 

Online Tutorials 網上教室

Take a few minutes to learn how to find library materials at Library homepage, and know more about our online services by clicking the button below.

Contact Us 聯絡我們

phone number  2768 6777


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